Ahh Japan, the "Land of the Rising Sun," a country so tenacious that two atomic bombs couldn't break its spirits. Today Japan is primarily known for its quality exports, such as tit mouse pads and anime body pillows. Japan is also a top exporter of anime, an animation style where the boobs are massive and the chins are pointy. The United States has taken such a liking to anime that another race of sub humans has been created, the Weeaboos. This new minority obsesses over anything Japanese made, especially cartoons. They often watch entire seasons of anime in a day, they masturbate while watching hentai (Adult Anime that typically involves tentacles), pretend to speak Japanese, and tend to shun anyone who does not have the same taste as them. Today I took a step into a Weeaboos shoes and came back to share my experiences. I really only have one thing to say...